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Timeshare resale agencies are independent entities that aim to profit from facilitating transactions between timeshare owners, typically private individuals, and potential buyers. Their operations closely resemble those of real estate agencies, with one key difference: they do not arrange viewings of the properties for buyers. This is because potential buyers usually have prior experience with the resort in question or already own a week or points there. These resale agencies do not conduct presentations or employ primary sales techniques; instead, they work exclusively with buyers who are already familiar with the timeshare system. After receiving a request from a potential seller and agreeing on the terms of sale, they add the listing to their portfolio and seek to attract buyers through various media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, the internet, and television. A contemporary trend involves the creation of Timeshare Online Stores and participation in travel television channels.

A resale agency may offer services for the transfer of timeshare ownership (certificates) with the relevant authorities or simply introduce the seller to the buyer.

Why Are Resale Agencies Necessary?

The need for specialised timeshare resale agencies arises from the unique marketing strategies required to attract potential buyers, their specific knowledge of various types of timeshares, and the intricacies of transferring property rights. Beyond facilitating the sale and ensuring guarantees for both parties, these agencies provide valuable advice on pricing, develop strategic marketing plans, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, thereby ensuring a smooth sales process.

Can Agencies Increase the Value of Your Timeshare?

A timeshare sales consultant possesses the expertise to effectively showcase the value of your timeshare to potential buyers. Drawing on their experience, they set competitive prices that reflect current market trends. They employ targeted marketing strategies to attract the right audience, increasing the likelihood of securing a higher sale price. Their negotiation skills are akin to those of chess players, always planning several moves ahead to maximise the final outcome, as reflected in the value of your timeshare.

Are Down Payments Necessary When Selling a Timeshare?

Quite the opposite. Under no circumstances should you pay a down payment or partial commission to a sales agency. Reputable, long-established agencies that adhere to industry standards do not request any upfront payments or commissions. These agencies operate on commission, which they earn from the buyer upon completion of the sale. This is standard practice, much like in the real estate industry.

Do I Need to Gather Any Documents or Кeferences to Sell Through an Agency?

No specific references are required to list your timeshare for sale. What you need to provide is accurate information about your property (such as the club you own with, the type of timeshare—fixed or floating—details of the property, season or membership category, apartment size, or the number of points). Your timeshare must be active, and at the time of sale, there should be no outstanding debts associated with it, or the terms for their repayment should be agreed upon. These conditions can be negotiated once a serious buyer is found. Additionally, proof of payment for bills is not necessary when listing your timeshare for sale, as any unpaid bills may arise during the sale process. If you have lost the original documents, there are mechanisms in place for verifying and re-registering ownership using a specialised document package available at each club.

What Expenses Does the Timeshare Seller Incur?

The only expense a timeshare seller typically incurs is the cost of advertising. This fee allows the property to be included in the agency’s marketing campaign and promoted alongside other timeshares through all available professional channels. Advertising costs often include the placement of a live online advertisement for your offer on the agency’s website for a set period. Some agencies also allow for personalised ads, where you can share your own engaging story about the resort or the trips you’ve taken using your timeshare, or even include your own photos of the resort or apartment.

How Transparent Is the Transaction Process?

The timeshare sales process should be fully transparent. Specialised agencies offer a straightforward process, guiding you through every step with the precision of an experienced navigator. From the initial listing to the final signature, they provide comprehensive support to sellers. Their meticulous handling of the transaction, adherence to resort requirements, and compliance with government regulations ensure a safe and transparent sale. With complete transparency, you can confidently monitor the sale of your timeshare, knowing that every detail is carefully managed.

How to Choose an Agency for Selling?

Use your intuition and common sense when choosing an agency. Opt for a large, international agency with a strong reputation and high rankings in search engines, as the internet is now one of the most important tools for generating potential buyers. You might also consider a recommendation from your resort. Resorts often know which agencies handle the re-registration of ownership documents efficiently, which is a key indicator of successful sales. If a resort receives complaints from its timeshare owners about a particular agency, it is unlikely to recommend them, as the resort has no commercial interest in doing so and is primarily focused on satisfying the needs of its club members. In the timeshare resale sector, partnering with industry leaders can significantly improve your chances of a successful sale. If your resort has a preferred agency partner, it’s worth considering their services. Listing with an agency that has established relationships with leading resorts and companies offers numerous benefits for both buyers and sellers. These connections enable swift resolution of any queries or details crucial to a potential buyer's decision-making process. Additionally, the well-established relationships between the agency’s administrative and legal teams and the resort are invaluable for conducting the sale and transferring the timeshare ownership securely and legally.

What Benefits Does Buying Through an Agency Offer to the Buyer?

For a buyer looking to purchase a timeshare, navigating the resale market with a professional agent is the safest and most efficient approach. Agencies protect buyers from misrepresentation and hidden fees, and they provide a comprehensive overview of ownership options, from flexible points programs to affordable freehold weeks. Purchasing a timeshare through an agent ensures that buyers have all the necessary information to make an informed decision, leading to greater satisfaction with their timeshare ownership.

Finding the perfect timeshare can sometimes be a lengthy process due to the vast number of listings online that need to be sifted through. However, with a professional agent by your side, you gain access to additional, unpublished listings. Resale agencies maintain extensive databases of sellers with timeshares that are not currently publicly listed. By communicating your requirements to an agent, they can tap into this internal database, using finely-tuned filters to connect you with sellers offering your ideal property.

Timeshare resale agents and consultants have a deep understanding of the various categories of timeshare properties and points systems, as well as different ownership options. Timeshare ownership is more than just acquiring real estate; it’s about fulfilling holiday dreams. Understanding the nuances of using property or points is crucial to maximising the value of your investment. These specialists can explain how to utilise points effectively, offering flexibility in choosing destinations and accommodations. They guide you through the sea of options, from peak season availability to the ability to accumulate weeks and points for future adventures. With their expertise, you can select a timeshare system that best aligns with your travel preferences, providing an inspiring holiday ownership experience.

Buying a timeshare is an investment in future holidays, and making an informed decision is essential. Specialists can help compare the long-term value of timeshare ownership with traditional holiday expenses, ensuring that the purchase aligns with your specific financial and lifestyle goals. With their guidance, you can finalise a deal that not only fits within your budget but also enriches your life with countless holiday memories—this is what characterises a truly successful timeshare purchase.

Lastly, all the transparency and reliability discussed for sellers apply equally to buyers, who also require protection for their financial and legal interests—something that can only be guaranteed by purchasing through a specialised agency

Published in Timeshare Resale

Recently, we've been offering our clients the opportunity to rent out their timeshare weeks through English agencies traditionally involved in timeshare resales, Travel and Leisure Group Ltd and Timeshare Online. Let's delve into it.


Why Have Resale Agencies Started Dealing with Rentals?

It was quite logical for them to do so. Thanks to their work in timeshare resales, these agencies already had the technical infrastructure and structure in place:

- All the necessary software for processing, storing, searching, and monitoring offers,

- A website with a database to advertise offers, attracting buyers,

- A well-established relationship with resort management companies, enabling them to book accommodation for renters,

- A financial structure (escrow with a notary) for storing money received from renting clients, to be transferred to landlords after tourists check-in,

- A professionally trained staff with detailed information about resorts and sales expertise,

- A constant flow of potential buyers, including those who already own timeshares or are interested in buying.


For many years, agencies were afraid that offering rentals might affect sales. Why buy a timeshare if you can rent one? Only when prices for timeshare-class accommodation (rental housing and hotel apartments) significantly increased did they decide to do so.


Over time, agencies developed an interesting approach - if a buyer is uncertain about purchasing a specific timeshare, as a final argument before refusal, the agency offers a rental to ensure the correctness of the choice before purchase.


This strategy proved to be very effective.


Who Rents Timeshare Weeks?

The first clients interested in rentals were timeshare owners who want to sell their timeshare, which no longer meets their new tourist interests, and buy another. These clients rent additional weeks to their own.


The next category includes potential buyers who are uncertain, as mentioned above, to try before buying.


But it's not just potential buyers who rent timeshare weeks from agencies. Due to very high positioning and numerous listings from these resorts, search engines provide links to agencies even if you're just looking for information about apartments and clubs, even if the searcher doesn't know they are timeshare resorts.


Agencies decided to logically use this achievement to rent out weeks to tourists who are looking for accommodation in apartments in Spain, the Canary Islands, Malta, Cyprus, the coast of France and Italy, and alpine resorts.


What Can You Expect When Renting Through Agencies?

The prices offered on the website are slightly lower than those offered by Booking.com or Trip Advisor. Thanks to this, agency offers are interesting to consumers. However, this price is much higher than the membership fee and fully compensates for the costs of advertising in the agency and the membership fee itself.


Are There Timeshares That Aren't Available for Rent?

Currently, all types of timeshares (floating and fixed weeks, timeshares in the form of points) of any active resorts are available for rent. The resort must either have a specific address or, in the case of membership in a group of resorts, provide a list of resorts included in the group and the data of the central international office of the managing company that provides booking. The presence of a website for such a group of resorts is a mandatory condition. The resort must not be in the process of liquidation or have ceased to exist as a structure. There are no other restrictions.


Experience over the past few years has shown high efficiency in renting both small studios and large three-bedroom apartments, although demand for them was low five years ago. Now the situation has changed.


Who Needs Rentals Now?

People travel more actively through timeshares than through other types of tourism. Timeshare weeks are currently in high demand not only among owners but also among renters due to price and quality. Many prefer apartments with independent entrances, their own recreation areas, kitchens, and dining rooms, with the possibility of less contact with other vacationers. Timeshare resorts are more attractive than ever. The advantage of timeshare apartments over regular hotel complexes is significant and attracts more tourists because:

- Most apartments have a separate entrance, isolated from others,

- Many clubs are located in quiet areas away from tourist crowds and have their large territory,

- Apartments have their own kitchen, allowing to avoid dining in crowded places and only dine in outdoor restaurants or enjoy restaurant delivery on their terrace,

- Unlike private rental housing, apartment complexes are more strictly controlled and comply with sanitary-epidemiological requirements, and tourists are calmer to enter such housing.


What If Agencies Don't Rent Out the Week?

No agency can guarantee the rental of weeks, especially now when everything is changing so rapidly. We cannot rule out the sudden popularity of holiday weeks in a particular region or, conversely, another region falling out of favor. This is always the case in tourism. However, the current situation in tourism is such that staying in apartments with a separate entrance, with the same infrastructure as hotels but with a higher level of safety during holidays compared to renting private accommodation, has made holidaying in club apartments the most popular option compared to hotels and private accommodation.


Can Timeshares with Debts Be Rented Out?

You can rent out timeshare weeks even if there are debts associated with them. However, by the time a buyer is found, the debts must be paid off; otherwise, the management company will refuse guests entry or demand payment of your debt from them. While debts are not a problem, what could be a hindrance is if membership is frozen, suspended, or canceled due to significant debts. If you are unsure about the status of your membership, you can clarify with the specialists in the administrative legal department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , +39 306 588 188. Detailed information on membership fee rules can be found in our Blogs on the website in the article "If Membership Fees Are Not Paid and All About Membership Fees."


What Is the Efficiency and Perspective?

Notice how informative agency websites are. Detailed information about the resort, excellent reviews from owners, professionalism of consultants over the phone - all of this makes renting out your weeks almost a done deal.


Can Weeks Handed Over to Exchange Banks in RCI or Interval International Be Rented Out?

Formally, you no longer have these weeks, you have transferred them for use by other exchange participants. You only have the right to replace them with other weeks from the bank. Since you are not the owner of these weeks specifically, there is nothing for the agency to take from you for rental. But we have a solution for you. However, the conditions for renting out banked weeks are quite different. Our offer is especially valuable for those whose weeks expire after three years of storage. You just need to timely contact our travel department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , +39 306 588 188, provide the details of your card and the weeks of which timeshares and from which year you want to rent out from the exchange bank deposit.


If You're Interested in Renting, What Should You Do?

To have your weeks advertised on the website, you need to contact our deal support specialists at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , +39 306 588 188, to provide the necessary details of your timeshare, agree on the price you want to rent it out for, and pay the agency's advertising cost for 12 months. You don't pay anything else, no commissions are taken from the rental. The agency receives commissions from the buyer. You receive the agreed-upon amount to the account you specify in the contract, which is sent to you when a tenant is found.

Published in Administrative issues


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