• Russia: +7 (812) 327 3222
  • Italy: +39 306 588 188
  • help@timesharehelpline.expert



  • +7 812 327 3222, +39 306 588 188
  • help@timesharehelpline.expert


Help line has developed a new resale concept. For many years we unassisted the Russian speaking clients to list their timeshares with the biggest European resale agencies ( RDO members).

We worked with Travel & Leisure, Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket, Confused About Timeshare and a few others. It was not only listing timeshares of our clients for resales. On odd occasions we had buyers for resales ourselves. Whether it was weeks or points we would go deep into the details of how the client would use his membership when he buys it and find him a really matching product to buy.

Of cause we were getting frustrated that the big Resale agencies were not succeeding enough reselling the week of our clients who list with them the timeshares with our assistance. It’s not only because the only complains we get from the clients are the ones resale related. It's also that we feel responsibility for recommending the agencies. Having annualized how the big Resale agencies work we created our own Resale Solution for Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs and others who use the Russian language search engines. www.Timeshare-magazin.ru (translated as Timeshare Shop) is just a timeshare advertising internet platform. Don't give false promises of resales to the customers. We offer them to advertise their timeshare for resale on our website as it is always in Top-5 in all Russian search engine (Google.ru , Yandex, Mail.ru, Rambler, Aport, etc.). If the advertised timeshare catches the interest of the buyer we put the Seller and the Buyer in contact to agree the deal. The timeshare owners mostly have great timeshare experiences either with their own resort or with the exchange or both. These experiences sell the timeshare to the buyer. In case the buyer or seller requires some deep information about the membership they can contact Help Line Legal and Finance department for a consultancy. If it’s the travel issues they are welcome to contact our Travel Club. We also offer the membership transfer assistance at an extra charge as well as the escrow service. It's not a big volume business but the statistics shows that the percentage of the timeshares resold thru “Timeshare Magazin” is higher than of the big Resale groups.


At the same time we have never stopped offering our clients to list with the big Resale groups. The majority of our clients don’t speak English; at least they don’t speak it well enough to communicate with the resale agencies.  We take over all communication. We follow up the clients till their timeshare is sold even that sometimes it takes years. We are there for them to change the price they want to sell, reply all the whyithasnotbeensold questions and we also help with translation of the paperwork, money transfers and taxis in Russia. While their timeshare is listed we help them with the holiday arrangements and renting out their timeshares.


Unique company, the only one on the territory of CIA that specializes in timeshare issues of all the arias and complications. Operational since 1996.

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